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  • Just Like You Films, "Wonder" & AMC Theaters

Just Like You Films, "Wonder" & AMC Theaters

Just Like You Films,

My family is thrilled to be part of this upcoming film, I hope you will check it out!  We are hosting a private screening of the new film 'Wonder' and the new film Just Like You Facial Anomalies on November 18th at 4 p.m. in Port Chester at the AMC Theater.  All proceeds from ticket sales go to Operation Smile, to buy a ticket (includes kids snack pack), please visit:

Real-Life “Wonder” Kids Come to Life In New Facial Anomalies Film

 Kansas City, MO - Coinciding with the release of one of 2017’s most anticipated movies, “Wonder,” four children with facial anomalies teach other kids they’re more alike than different in the short documentary, “Just Like You Films - Facial Anomalies,” debuting in AMC theatres prior to group screenings of the “Wonder” movie. and on November 15th on YouTube.

Here is a link to the 1 minute promo for AMC Theatres, and an advance private link to the full 24 minute film,

“I am so proud to release a film that invites us to open our hearts, look deeper and to make an effort to understand each other’s unique gifts and challenges.” Says Jen Greenstreet, founder, CEO and filmmaker, “To ultimately realize that our uniqueness is our commonality. Whether it’s a severe burn injury, autism, diabetes, Down syndrome or facial anomalies, we all have something we are dealing with in this life and at our core we are all human beings doing the best we can. When we take the time to know better, we do better and we will create a kinder more compassionate world for us all.” Wanting to show others that they are Just Like You, Annalise Jamison, Billy Eckles, Luke Lori and Winston Bertrand are joined in the film by their best friends, Genesis Elijarrah, Christopher Johnson, Andrew Sprague and Andrew Stone. They tell their real-life stories, explaining what it’s like to live with facial paralysis, lymphangioma, and other conditions.

Like the book and upcoming movie, “Wonder,” the stars of the film show courage as they earn empathy and understanding. The kids along with award-winning journalist Hannah Storm, and internationally renowned surgeons, Operation Smile Founder, Dr. Bill Magee, Dr. Teresa O and Dr. Milton Waner, explain the conditions, treatments and model of how to be a good friend to someone living with a facial anomaly. In launching its 9th film, Just Like You Films along with producers Operation Smile,, The Hannah Storm Foundation,, The Children’s Vascular Anomaly Foundation,, Lisa Lori, HGTV Design Star, Jen Bertrand and Emily Eckles call upon our communities, our kids and the world to learn, understand and accept those living with facial anomalies. JLY-Facial Anomalies shares the perspective of courageous children living with facial anomalies who are not defined or limited by their conditions. Instead, they are “just like you.” JLY Films distributes its films free of charge and operates with the help of an outstanding volunteer team. We can provide interviews with cast and producers. Visit for more information and to watch complete films

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  • Mar 30, 2023

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